FOR CULTURE SPECIALISTS WISHING TO OBTAIN NEW PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, the On the Move information network has created cultural mobility* guides, listing 1,000 funding schemes of private and public organisations, on the national, regional and local levels. These online guides can help them identify regular funding to support your projects that have a European or International dimension (through collaborations, co-production, residency, training, etc.). All the funding opportunities listed cover the travel costs for participants. For each support scheme, the guides mention the artistic fields concerned and applications deadlines.
From the On the Move website you can download for free the cultural mobility funding guides for:
Other tips
As an artist, a cultural professional or a cultural organisation, whatever the features of your cultural mobility project, you may consider:
1. Asking for/getting information about possible funding opportunities from your ministry of foreign affairs, embassy (located in your country of destination) or, when applying, national cultural institutes (e.g. through the EUNIC network);
2. Getting information from cultural information platforms or offices at an international, national or local level;
3. Searching for private companies/foundations that may have business between your country and your country of destination;
4. Checking with your city or region whether there are special funding schemes related to your country of destination;
5. Asking advice to friends or contacts who may have participated in a mobility project in your country of destination;
6. Getting fund through a crowdfunding platform.
Find out more about cultural mobility projects here: http://cineuropa.org/Files/2015/07/06/1436172374796.pdf
* Cultural mobility refers to the following formats of cooperation: Co-productions; Residency; Research; Market Development Grants; any format that allows one cultural professional to have a professional experience in another country.