2009 European Year of Creativity and Innovation
This is the official website of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (EYCI), which took place in 2009 within the overall framework of several EU policy initiatives fostering creativity and innovation. The EYCI aimed to raise awareness of the importance of creativity and innovation for personal, social and economic development; to disseminate good practices; to stimulate education and research, and to promote policy debate on related issues. The activities of that initiative targeted a range of different groups including young people, educators, firms and policy makers, as well as the general public. Civil society organisations were encouraged to mobilise and get involved at European, national and local levels. The key message of EYCI was: “Creativity and innovation contribute to economic prosperity as well as to social and individual wellbeing.”
http://www.create2009.europa.eu/about_the_year.html2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics
The 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics (FCS) is a collaborative effort by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the UNESCO Culture Sector. Based on the 1986 Framework for Cultural Statistics, this revised version of UNESCO’s cultural statistics methodology takes into account new concepts that have emerged since 1986 in the field of culture, including those related to new technologies – which have so drastically transformed culture and the ways it is accessed – intangible heritage, and evolving cultural practices and policies.
http://www.uis.unesco.org/culture/Documents/framework-cultural-statistics-culture-2009-en.pdf2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015)
The agenda defines a universal plan of action in the areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet to be implemented by all countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaboration and partnership. It sets 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets built on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to complete what was not achieved MDGs. SDGs and respective targets are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Even though the 2030 agenda does not mention culture as an official development goal, some of its targets are directly linked to creative and cultural industries, intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity.
https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf@diversity: innovative ideas for the cultural and creative sectors in the EU specific action/initiative
This web-page describes the pilot project on the economy of cultural diversity which is an initiative launched in 2013 to test new approaches for dealing with content for innovation and digital sharing and distribution. The project intends to contribute to easing online access to culture, cultural heritage, and cultural literacy, promoting cultural diversity in the digital environment. Through the project, 12 new and untested ideas have been selected and promoted, with the aim of feeding reflection on online access to culture. These ideas were further designed to make innovative use of information and communication technologies to produce, make available, distribute, or extract value from cultural content.
http://ec.europa.eu/culture/tools/economy-diversity_en.htmA Beginner's Guide to EU Funding
Small companies (SMEs), NGOs, young people, researchers, farmers, public bodies and other categories can benefit from this guide. The guide provides basic information on how & where to apply and on other general rules, e.g. eligibility. The guide includes EU funding glossary and provides references to websites about EU funding opportunities, available for the period 2014-2020.
http://ec.europa.eu/budget/funding/index_enA Creative Economy Green Paper for the Nordic region (by Dr. T. Fleming and P. Nilsson-Andersen, Nordic Council. 2007)
The objective of this Green Paper is to open up a policy debate about the drivers of the CCIs in the Nordic region, and to understand the opportunities and challenges facing the sector. The document defines the policy context in the region. It is designed to help policy-makers from the local to national level recognize the potential – and seriousness – of the creative economy; and identify ways to support the creative industries in a more coordinated, connected way.
http://nordicinnovation.org/Publications/a-creative-economy-green-paper-for-the-nordic-region/A rough guide to the commons
The researcher and writer Charlie Tims considers some of the most pressing of the challenges that complicate the creation of the commons today in combination with landmark efforts to regain control over domestic and international modes of governance, as well as to reclaim resources, public space and housing. “The commons” are forms of "governance for resources which are created and owned collectively". It is a contested concept in culture, policy and law.
http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2016-04-26-tims-en.htmlAbout the calls for tenders
This web-page helps you to know more about contracts to purchase services, supplies or works awarded through tendering procedures for activities contributing to specific development goals. Relevant sub-sections inform in details about contracts, contract applications and contract phases.
https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/node/1072Aid Delivery Methods: Volume 1. Project Cycle Management Guidelines (European Commission. 2004)
These Guidelines from the European Commission aim to support good management practices and effective decision making throughout the project management cycle – from programming, through to identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation. The manual is purposed to promote consistency and clarity of approach, while allowing for the operational flexibility. Quality is defined primarily in terms of the relevance, feasibility and effectiveness of the programmes and projects supported with EC funds, including how well they are managed.
This platform provides over 750 free online diploma and certificate courses in a range of categories for those seeking a new job, a promotion, a college place or starting a new business. The courses are broken down into nine distinct categories: diploma courses; business and enterprise skills courses; digital literacy and IT skills courses; personal development and soft skills courses; languages; health and safety and compliance courses; health literacy courses; financial and economic literacy courses; and courses from various schools’ curricula. Every online course is standards-based and certified. You can learn strategic management, photography, entrepreneurial skills, web-development, Photoshop, music, multimedia technology, tourism, social media techniques, art, and more. It has courses fine-turned for users of specific countries.
https://alison.com/Another Europe: 15 years of capacity building with cultural initiatives in the EU Neighbourhood (2015)
The publication brings together insights and experiences from partners and participants working with the European Cultural Foundation in the European Neighbourhood over the past 15 years. The book is pursuing the idea that has been guiding the ECF’s activities since 1950s – perception of Europe that extends well beyond the EU, embracing the countries that touch the EU borders to the East and to the South. You can order a free hard copy of the book via ECF’s web-site.
http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/library/another-europeApplicant's registration (PADOR)
The Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration (PADOR) is the on-line system in which organisations, who are potential applicants to calls for proposals, register and update regularly information about their profile (legal, financial etc). The information registered in PADOR is used by the European Commission during the evaluation of applications as well as for checking the eligibility of the organisations that participate to calls for proposals.
https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/node/1565Apply now: residencies, grants and other opportunities
At this page EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme regularly updates its list of opportunities for artists, explorers, and creative professionals.
https://www.culturepartnership.eu/en/article/apply-nowArchitecture Courses by edX
You can learn about urban design, vernacular architecture, the history of building and more from the best universities and institutions around the world.
https://www.edx.org/course/subject/architectureArt & Culture Courses by edX
Here you can find free online courses in poetry, art history, world cultures, classical art, modern art and European painting from top universities worldwide.
https://www.edx.org/course/subject/art-cultureArt Directors Club of Europe (ADCE)
This is a group of professional design and advertising associations from around Europe. It exists to foster and reward excellence and to showcase European creativity as a whole. The network includes members from Ukraine.
http://www.adceurope.orgART of the MOOC: Activism and Social Movements
This MOOC is for activists, artists, and thinkers who wish to better understand and participate in social change. It focuses on the overlap between socially engaged art and cultural practices generated by recent social movements around the world. The course challenges learners to treat the MOOC itself as a social and artistic form through the practical components, local project productions, global exchanges, and critical feedback. Rather than assess the political efficacy of activities like mourning, listening, organizing, dancing, or partying, the lectures examine such cultural activities next to, and within, contemporary art practice. Guest presentations by key artists, activists, and scholars are included in the course.
https://www.coursera.org/learn/activism-social-movementsART of the MOOC: Public Art and Pedagogy
This course by Duke University gives an opportunity to the students to try their hand at their own public art interventions, or simply focus on learning from the theory of public practice and its recent history. The course presents public culture and art in their radically reinvented contemporary forms. The lectures link major developments of recent decades to wider topics like spatial politics, everyday social structures, and experimental education. The MOOC also includes guest presentations from key thinkers and practitioners. While no prior art making experience is required, projects also offer challenging options for advanced learners.
https://www.coursera.org/learn/public-art-pedagogyArts and Culture Strategy
This course by University of Pennsylvania is designed to help arts and culture leaders to create and manage sustainable organizations that deliver real social value. The MOOC addresses the issues of competition, the need to constantly adapt and cleverly use the best tools to reach as many people as possible. The course includes such topics as brief history of the world relative to arts and culture; forms and functions of an organization; external environment; a tension between artistic/mission and economics; and meaningful communications.
https://www.coursera.org/learn/arts-culture-strategyArts and Heritage Management
This course has been conceptualized to address the need of skills and techniques to help professionals and managers in running art and cultural institutions. The MOOC approach the biggest issue cultural institutions face, the coexistence of managers and curators. It also focus on what is means to manage a cultural institution and what cultural managers should expect and be able to face. The course provides models and tools to design and implement appropriate courses of action to satisfy customers (visitors and audiences) and build an advantage over the competition. Substantial part of this MOOC is dedicated to individual interviews of prominent cultural institution managers on specific topics. Each module is paired with a quiz and discussion forums to reflect on the variety of the heritage management, its complexity, and the power of the network that will be build during the course.