E-LEARNING PLATFORM for neighbourhood
This project by Natolin Campus of the College of Europe proposes a list of free online courses in nine languages structured by two blocks – Knowledge about the European Union and Skills-building. The first block embraces such topics, as anti-corruption; civil society empowerment; cross-border cooperation; deep and comprehensive free trade area agreements (DCFTA); EU and development cooperation, including sources of funding; human rights protection; integrated border management and migration policies; lobbying and legislative procedures; policy coordination and decision-making for EU affairs; protection of financial interests of the Union, including financial control and audit, as well as anti-fraud. The second block includes the topics of cost-benefit analysis, effective application for EU funding, fund-raising skills, monitoring and evaluation, and policy dialogue.
https://eplatform.euforneighbourhood.eu/E-Space Education
Europeana Space supported under the EU’s ICT Policy Support Programme is offering a wide range of services to the educational sector through its activities: examples of creative re-use of digital cultural content for education; a MOOC to learn what you can do with digital cultural heritage for research, studies, educational process; thematic pilot projects developing prototypes, that can be utilized also for educational purposes; thematic events on education and digital cultural heritage; and a review of existing projects, environments and best practices dealing with digital cultural heritage content in an educational context.
http://www.europeana-space.eu/education/E-tutorial: The financial management of your project
This E-tutorial by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EASEA) provides practical information about the financial management of your project. Part I includes an explanation on important rules and advice, eligible and ineligible costs, documents to be submitted as well as audits and evaluation. Part II offers a detailed, visual demonstration of how to fill in the financial statement.
http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/library/e-tutorial-financial-management-your-project_enE-tutorial: The financial management of your project
This E-tutorial by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EASEA) provides practical information about the financial management of your project. Part I includes an explanation on important rules and advice, eligible and ineligible costs, documents to be submitted as well as audits and evaluation. Part II offers a detailed, visual demonstration of how to fill in the financial statement.
http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/library/e-tutorial-financial-management-your-project_enE-tutorial: The financial management of your project
This E-tutorial by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EASEA) provides practical information about the financial management of your project. Part I includes an explanation on important rules and advice, eligible and ineligible costs, documents to be submitted as well as audits and evaluation. Part II offers a detailed, visual demonstration of how to fill in the financial statement.
http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/library/e-tutorial-financial-management-your-project_enE-tutorial: The financial management of your project
This E-tutorial provides practical information about the financial management of a project. It includes an explanation on important rules and advice, eligible and ineligible costs, documents to be submitted as well as audits and evaluation. It also offers a detailed, visual demonstration of how to fill in the financial statement.
At this web-resource you can find information on scholarships, fellowships, grants and other learning and capacity development opportunities for students and researchers from post-Soviet countries. You can also find internships, freelance and full-time jobs for professionals from the region.
http://www.edu-active.com/Eastern Partnership (by EEAS)
At this web-page of the European External Action Service (EEAS) – the diplomatic service of the European Union – you can find information on different policy areas and foreign policy instruments, and regional policies concerning the Eastern Partnership in particular. It helps better understanding this joint initiative involving the EU, its Member States and six Eastern European partners, often called Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
https://eeas.europa.eu/topics/eastern-partnership_enEastern Partnership (EaP)
This web-page of the EC’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) provides information on the Eastern Partnership. This joint policy initiative launched by the EU in 2009 with the aim to deepen and strengthen relationship between the European Union and its six Eastern neighbours: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. As a part of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), EaP is based on shared values of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law. On the web-page you can find information on bilateral and multilateral dimension of cooperation between the EU and EaP countries provided under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) that is the key EU financial instrument for cooperation with partner countries. You can also find there EaP-related key documents and links including to the web-sites of the EU Delegations to the Eastern Partnership countries.
http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/neighbourhood/eastern-partnership/index_en.htmEastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
The Forum was launched in 2009 as a multi-layered regional civil society platform aimed at promoting European integration, facilitating reforms and democratic transformations, as well as strengthening civil society in EaP countries. The work of its Sub-group Culture of the Working Group “Contacts between People” is dedicated to the variety of issues: from addressing common understanding and sharing of values or promoting information on funding opportunities to contributing to development of national cultural policies.
http://eap-csf.eu/Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum was launched in 2009 as a multi-layered regional civil society platform aimed at promoting European integration, facilitating reforms and democratic transformations, as well as strengthening civil society in EaP countries. The work of its Sub-group Culture of the Working Group “Contacts between People” is dedicated to the variety of issues: from addressing common understanding and sharing of values or promoting information on funding opportunities to contributing to development of national cultural policies. Since 2015 the Forum supports sub-grant projects with an Eastern Partnership regional dimension through its re-granting scheme.
http://eap-csf.eu/en/working-groups/wg4-contacts-between-people/Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation (EaPTC)
This web-site provides information on the EaP Territorial Cooperation programme including its calls for proposals. The programme supports sustainable territorial cooperation between border regions of Armenia-Georgia, Azerbaijan-Georgia, Belarus-Ukraine, and Moldova-Ukraine in order to strengthen cross-border contacts between local authorities, communities and civil society organisations for the development of joint solutions to common social and economic challenges. Eligible state institutions include public service providers, as for instance, cultural institutions and associations. Support to local cross-border “people-to-people” actions in the areas of sports, education and cultural exchange belongs to the priorities of EaPTC programme.
http://www.eaptc.eu/en/eaptc-program.htmlEC Document library
The library includes different types of the documents: general publications, policy documents, studies, reports, and statistics. These publications belong to five main topics: cultural policy, audiovisual policy, cultural and creative industries, international cooperation, and Open Method of Coordination.
http://ec.europa.eu/culture/library/index_en.htmEC Document library
The library includes different types of the documents: general publications, policy documents, studies, reports, and statistics. These publications belong to five main topics: cultural policy, audiovisual policy, cultural and creative industries, international cooperation, and Open Method of Coordination.
http://ec.europa.eu/culture/library/index_en.htmECF bibliography 2005 – 2015
This reference list brings together all publications, papers and reports either published, commissioned, financed or co-produced by the European Cultural Foundation between 2005 and 2015. Most of these items can be downloaded and some are available to order online for free.
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/526e5978e4b0b83086a1fede/t/56f29cd6356fb033660d84df/1458740439878/ECF+Online+Bibliography_layout+version.pdfECF books and publications
ECF publications are a sustainable way of sharing content and managing knowledge collected through the activities of the foundation and its partners. Many books have been published by ECF online and offline over the years. Most of the books can be downloaded and some are available to order online for free.
http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/books/ECF Labs
The “labs” are developed by European Cultural Foundation to foster an open conversation about European culture and society. ECF Labs is a meeting point for cultural change makers, a place where you can connect your ideas with the ideas of others, share your views and learn from fellow Europeans within a thematic context. Many of 55 thematic labs are dedicated to different topics connected with cultural management issues, e.g. culture and urban development, dealing with diversity, digital cultures, funding models and many more.
http://ecflabs.org/app/labs/listECF library
European Cultural Foundation (ECF) produces a whole range of content related to its arts and cultural activities and advocacy actions, narrative and knowledge-sharing initiatives, and cultural development in Europe. ECF’s online Library offers a rich source of materials – from books, reports, articles & essays, videos, comics, audio material to press releases, project archives, news items and media coverage. You can browse, read or download the content. Most items are available to share widely.
http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/library/ECF Reports
You can find here the results of the work completed by ECF together with a wide range of partners in wider Europe. The reports cover many activities and events on issues that fall under ECF’s overarching theme Connecting Culture, Communities and Democracy.
http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/reports/Education and Culture Committee of the European Parliament (CULT Committee)
The website of the Committee on Culture and Education contains information about its work such as meeting agendas, draft reports and amendments as well as details on the Members of the CULT Committee and their contacts. Committee meetings can be followed live via web-streaming. The committee is responsible for all the cultural aspects of the Union such as the dissemination of culture, cultural heritage, cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as for education, the audiovisual policy, and the cultural and educational aspects of the information society, youth and sports. As the European Parliament plays an equal role with the Member State governments in adopting new laws and supervising the Union's programmes in these areas, the CULT Committee is responsible for the Erasmus+ programme for education, training, youth and sport, Creative Europe which supports European cultural and creative sectors, and the Europe for citizens programme. The committee also regularly holds public hearings to gather evidence from experts in the fields of its competence.