Cross Border Cooperation (CBC)
This page of the EC informs about Cross Border Cooperation which a key element of the EU policy towards its neighbours. Since 2007, it has been providing support to sustainable development along the EU’s external borders, helping to reduce differences in living standards and addressing common challenges across these borders. CBC promotes cooperation between EU countries and neighbourhood countries sharing a land border or sea crossing, as well as belonging to the same sea basin. CBC is designed on the principles of the EU’s territorial cooperation model adapted to the specificities of the EU external cooperation with a view of ensuring strong commitment and ownership of all participating countries. Among others, thematic objectives of the CBC programmes include support to education, research, technological development and innovation and promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage. CBC programmes for the period 2007-2013 were funded under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The next generation of CBC programmes for 2014-2020 is supported within the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/neighbourhood/cross-border-cooperation/index_en.htmCross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020
The web-site contains information on the cross border cooperation programme for Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine funded under ENI for 2014-2020. “Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage” is one of the four thematic objectives of the programme.
http://www.pbu2020.eu/enCrossCulture Programme: Eastern Partnership and Russia (by ifa)
The programme offers young professionals and volunteering individuals from EaP countries, Russia and Germany the opportunity to gain professional experience abroad and to act as multipliers in their home countries. In addition to further professional development and specialist training, the programme participants also gain an insight into the social and political structures of the host country including making important contacts for future collaboration. This exchange sustainably strengthens the formation of networks between Germany and the partner countries and encourages cross-border dialogue and cooperation. Internships within the programme are offered in different work areas, particularly in arts & culture and media spheres.
http://www.ifa.de/en/funding/crossculture-programme/programme-information/crossculture-eastern-partnership.htmlCrossing Cultural Borders? Migrants and Ethnic Diversity in the Cultural Industries (Amanda Brandellero, European Cultural Foundation. Cultural Policy Research Award 2007)
It is an in-depth theoretical study applying a specific interdisciplinary approach, and an inspiring empirical study on migrant entrepreneurship in the cultural industries in three European cities – Paris, London and Amsterdam. By portraying the ”ethnicity” of the creative entrepreneurs in the areas of music, fashion and architecture, the author reveals important intercultural processes that (pre)determine the birth of creative production. This knowledge may result in fine tuning of the respective policy attitudes and instruments.
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/526e5978e4b0b83086a1fede/t/52e04587e4b01383e81682a9/1390429575111/Books_CPRA+2007_Crossing+Cultural+Borders.pdfCrowdfunding for Culture (ECF Labs)
This lab of European Cultural Foundation (ECF) is about sharing practices, information and thoughts on the emerging trend of crowdfunding. Nowadays crowdfunding is turning into an increasingly important element of participatory culture, a proven direct/networked way to make your say in regard an untapped artistic talent or a new creative idea.
http://ecflabs.org/app/lab/crowdfunding-cultureCudoo: A World of Cultures. Online self-study courses
You can find here video and micro courses for languages, ICT skills, professional development, soft skills and cultural intelligence. All courses can be used for free for the first 14 days.
http://cudoo.comCultural and creative spillovers in Europe: Report on a preliminary evidence review (2015)
The report prepared by Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy sheds light on cultural and creative spillovers in Europe and contributes to scientific, cultural and political debate around evidencing the value of culture and public investment into the arts, culture and creative industries. The report also aims at to develop an interdisciplinary and shared understanding of the methods of gathering evidence around spillovers; recommend suitable methodologies for measuring spillover effects; and promote consistent and credible research methods to enable sector and public authorities to improve effective policy making and resource allocation. The report is based on analysis of the evidence library – approximately 100 case studies (projects and activities) – and their spillover effects. As a conclusion, the authors of the report recommend the governments and policymakers at all levels to realise that they are key change-makers for the creation and evidencing of cultural and creative spillovers. You can download the report and its executive summary at
http://ccspillovers.wikispaces.com/Evidence+review+2015Cultural awareness and expression handbook (Open method of coordination (OMC) working group of EU Member States’ experts on cultural awareness and expression. European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. 2016)
“Cultural awareness and expression” is one of the eight key competences that form the reference tool which EU Member States to be integrate into strategies and infrastructure in the context of lifelong learning. The other key competences are: communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; digital competence; learning to learn; social and civic competences; and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Training in the key competences – in the shape of knowledge, skills and attitudes – is seen as fundamental for each individual in 21st century society. Cultural awareness has a strong impact on our ability to learn social, civic and intercultural competences, as well as on our sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. The development of these competences is indeed strongly interrelated and interdependent.
https://bookshop.europa.eu/en/cultural-awareness-and-expression-handbook-pbNC0116125/Cultural Heritage a Global Change: A New Challenge for Europe (Joint Programming Initiative)
This is a web-site of the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage that serves as an example of pooling national research efforts of the EU Member States in order to address common European challenges more effectively. Apart from natural ageing, Europe’s cultural heritage is exposed to many threats such as climate change and pollution, increasing urbanization, mass tourism, human negligence, vandalism and even terrorism. Protection of cultural heritage in the face of global change is thus becoming a major concern for decision-makers, stakeholders and citizens in Europe. Research into strategies, methodologies and tools is needed to safeguard cultural heritage against continuous decay. The work of the initiative is aimed at developing joint foresight capabilities, through concerted research actions and policy coordination, in order to identify common gaps, which threaten cultural heritage sustainability. It is also purposed to support the creation of a common action framework to reduce fragmentation of cultural heritage research while creating networks between centres to allow exchanging information on national programs.
http://www.jpi-culturalheritage.eu/Cultural Policy Research Award 2004 – 2013
The Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA) was launched in 2004 as a joint venture of the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) in Amsterdam and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in Stockholm. It aims to support and promote young cultural policy researchers, to strengthen cultural policy research as an academic discipline, and to contribute to a knowledge base of issues related to contemporary cultural policies and trends. From 2004 to 2013, CPRA was operated by the ECF. Since 2008 CPRA was developed in partnership with ENCATC. In 2014 ECF handed the programme over to ENCATC.
http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/cpraCultural Policy Researchers Forum
This facebook group is created for researchers, practitioners, artists and for all who wants to share ideas, thoughts, and tips on what's going on in the world of cultural policy. Exchange of information and discussions are mostly concentrated around the topics of cultural policy, cultural diplomacy and CCIs. You can find here notices and useful tips on study opportunities and programmes, as well as new publications on cultural policy and management.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/culturalpolicy/?multi_permalinks=1176549639090153¬if_t=group_activity¬if_id=1482986859499576Cultural Policy Researchers Forum
This facebook group is created for researchers, practitioners, artists and for all who wants to share ideas, thoughts, and tips on what's going on in the world of cultural policy. Exchange of information and discussions are mostly concentrated around the topics of cultural policy, cultural diplomacy and CCIs. You can find here notices and useful tips on the calls for proposals, other funding opportunities and job openings.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/culturalpolicy/?multi_permalinks=1176549639090153¬if_t=group_activity¬if_id=1482986859499576Cultural Statistics – 2007 edition (Eurostat pocketbooks. European Union, 2007. ISBN 978-92-79-05547-8)
This pocketbook – the first of its kind – aims to set out the main cultural statistics comparable at European level. Selected tables and graphs describe different areas of the cultural field for the 27 EU Member States, the candidate countries and the EFTA countries: cultural heritage, cultural employment, enterprises in certain cultural sectors - publishing, architectural activities and cinema, external trade in cultural goods, households cultural expenditure, cultural participation and time spent on cultural activities. A short commentary on the data and methodological notes complete this initial snapshot of cultural statistics, mainly based on the findings of existing harmonised surveys and former work carried out within the European Statistical System.
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3930297/5960638/KS-77-07-296-EN.PDF/2cdad7c0-6da3-4294-ad86-f6df336ed297?version=1.0Cultural statistics – 2011 edition (Eurostat pocketbooks. European Union, 2011. ISBN: 978-92-79-16396-8)
This 2nd edition of the ‘Cultural statistics’ pocketbook updates the 2007 edition plus introduces content from new data sources, mainly in the domain of cultural participation. The data extractions for this pocketbook were carried out in 2010. This publication, as the previous one, comprises a broad set of comparable data related to culture available in the EU-27, EFTA and candidate countries. Statistics are completed by methodological notes on data sources and classifications used to gather this information.
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3930297/5967138/KS-32-10-374-EN.PDF/07591da7-d016-4065-9676-27386f900857?version=1.0CulturalBase. Social platform on cultural heritage and European identities
The CulturalBase social platform aims to identify and analyse some of the main debates and controversies around culture, in particular in relation to Heritage and European Identities. These topics are addressed from an analytical and a public policy perspective and in the context of cultural digitization and globalization. The new challenges and the new potential of culture will be considered in the work of the CulturalBase along three axes: cultural memory, cultural inclusion and cultural creativity. The project is funded by the European Union in the framework of the Horizon 2020.
At this sub-page of the EC’s DG DEVCO you can find information on policies, funding opportunities and projects funded by the EU in support of culture in the context of development cooperation. Culture is considered as a factor to facilitate social inclusion, freedom of expression, identity building and civil empowerment, to strengthen economic growth and helps fostering political participation and ownership.
http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sectors/human-development/culture_enCulture Action Europe (CAE)
Culture Action Europe is an organisation aiming to promote culture, to disseminate information on European policies and legislation that have an impact on the cultural development of European societies, and to exchange, convey, and publish ideas and debates on European policies. There are members from Ukraine in the network.
http://cultureactioneurope.org/Culture Agora
At this resource you can find free written information, audios, videos & streaming content uploaded by those who work in the arts and in the creative industries. There is information on jobs, training and funding opportunities, including grants, scholarships, completions & awards and art residencies.
http://www.cultureagora.info/en/homeCulture at the Council of Europe
This web-site informs about policies towards culture of the Council of Europe (CoE). The core mission of the CoE is to promote human rights, the practice of democracy and the rule of law. Culture is considered as an essential component and a key factor for the effective delivery of this mission. The Council of Europe promotes culture as the "soul of democracy" by advocating strong cultural policies and governance aimed at transparency; access; participation and creativity; respect for identity and diversity; intercultural dialogue and cultural rights. You can find at this web-portal information on the main priorities for culture for 2016 – 2017 (Culture and Digitisation; Indicators for Democracy; and Compendium) and other activities (e.g. Art Exhibitions; Cultural Policy Reviews; Cultural Routs; Eurimages; Intercultural Cities; etc). Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are CoE Member States, while Belarus has a status of an observer.
http://www.coe.int/en/web/culture-and-heritage/cultureCulture sector support
This web-page of DG EAC of the EC informs on the EU’s policy support provided to the culture sector. Particularly, on this page you can find links to the EC activities in promotion and protection of cultural heritage; prevention of the trafficking of cultural goods; mapping of the sector; and development of cultural potential of cities and regions. Such activities are ranging from discussions with stakeholders to the funding of culture sector initiatives and representation of the interests of the European Union in international initiatives, such as those headed by the UNESCO.