10 websites with grants and other opportunities in cultural sector

We’ve collected websites with opportunities in cultural sector you should permanently monitor.


An art opportunities service for traditional and contemporary artists working in any visual medium. Easily find opportunities that fit an artist's medium, goals and geographic location.


A lot of international competitions for artists.


A selection of international open calls and opportunities for contemporary art for artists, writers and curators.


Monthly updating of information about exhibitions, residencies, festivals or fundings.


Information about various artist events.


This is an initiative that helps young people fulfill their educational potential.

CEC ArtsLink

It promotes international communication and understanding through collaborative, innovative arts projects for mutual benefit. 

International Competitions

Opportunities for writers, artists and photographers.


This website conducts monthly themed online art competitions and art exhibitions for new, emerging and established artists on a worldwide basis.

Culture and creativity 

This website develops the potential of the cultural and creative industries of the EaP countries and posts best practices, tools, and opportunities. 

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