The Culture and Creativity Programme began its work in 2015 within the framework of the EU programme to support the contribution of culture to the socio-economic development of the six Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
After the completion of the programme, to continue the development of the cultural and creative industries potential, the project was transformed into a media resource (culturepartnership.eu), which is now supported by the British Council. The participants of the training programmes joined forces to create an association for further professional development in the field of cultural management.
Today the Culture and Creativity Association is registered in Ukraine and more than 30 cultural projects and cultural managers from 6 countries have already joined the project.
The next stage in the development of the Culture and Creativity Association is the network extension within Europe, the launch of educational projects and the support of collaborative projects among its members.
So if you are interested in the professional development in the field of culture, open to the creation of international projects and looking for the experienced partner - we invite you to join the Culture and Creativity Association. More information about the mission of the Association and its members you can find here.
For all additional questions, please contact us at info.culture.creativity@gmail.com