Creative Christmas with BBC radio
Smart holidays
The program “The Infinite Monkey Cage” will be interesting for people who fond of science. If you will like the joke about Schrodinger's presents and you are the fan of “Doctor Who”, this Christmas special issue is for you.
Holidays with sociologists
This program is exploring rituals at Christmas. The experts have questioned those areas of life that we perceive as constants, for instance, the romantic love. After around 30 minutes the listeners will know how our habits and rituals changed with time and progress.
Christmas in history
This project is made by BBC and Imperial War Museums. This historical institution has a big collection of oral stories of survivors of WW1. In the special programme, the author Dan Snow exploring if the Christmas truce, the stop of a ceasefire between 24th and 25th December 1914 on the Western Front. In this radio programme, he tries to find out is it myth or truth.
Christmas Writings
This programme is made for people who into the literature. The author of the programme with Professor John Mullan and writer Jessie Burton explore what the writers of the twentieth century wrote about Christmas and its rituals and traditions. In the programme, they read and discuss the novels of Patrick Hamilton and James Joyce.
A new look at Prokofiev
The authors of this program exploring the history and trying to understand the popularity of Sergei Prokofiev's music tale “Peter and the Wolf”. The narrators of this tale were David Bowie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Christopher Lee, Bill Clinton and Sting. This well-known tale becomes one the of the main experience on telling and understanding the story through music for many children.
More Christmas programmes find here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p012hwm0