How to improve cooperation between the cultural, business and media communities – case study
The National Centre for Culture in collaboration with one of Poland’s largest insurance companies and a well-respected and popular social and political weekly magazine created a platform to exchange knowledge between the cultural, business and media communities.
The club’s planned objectives:
joint development of a programme of training courses and conferences intended to implement expertise in cultural sponsoring and the cooperation of cultural organisations with the business and media sectors, developing competencies in establishing a dialogue between culture and business, and thus creating cultural managers;
creation of a mechanism to engage business in supporting small cultural projects;
creation and award of the Corporate Culture Responsibility Award for support of themed cultural projects;
building a bank of “good practices”, the accumulated “good practices” to be realised in the form of a publication;
examining and recommending new legislative arrangements to facilitate the support of culture by business and the media;
using cultural potential in supporting business activities.
A cross-sectoral cooperation platform has been created. Thanks to the workshops, representatives of cultural institutions and NGO's have had an opportunity to know how applications for sponsorship, patronage and other forms of cooperation are perceived by business/the media. On the other hand, business and the media were able to hear which problems in communicating cultural institutions encounter in their attempts to establish cross-sectoral cooperation. Thus, the meetings enabled the learning of mutual expectations. Furthermore, the platform enabled networking and establishing cross-sectoral contacts which may bear fruit in the form of new cross-sectoral projects. A total of 200 representatives from the cultural sector and more than 20 representatives from business and the media participated in the workshops.
An important achievement is also the Club’s dynamic activity which in itself has become an example of cross-sectoral cooperation. Three large institutions representing various sectors proved that they are able to make decisions jointly and organise actions for the greater good. The Club is very active. According to this year’s plans, new business members will be invited to the Club and more workshops will be organized.