From Obsolete Factory to a Culture Centre: the Barcelona Case

The story of transforming industrial spaces into places for creative growth in Barcelona is exemplary.

The programme started in 2007 and aimed to renovate nine objects. The catalogue Culture for Cities and Regions examines practical tips in management, financing and administration of the Barcelona Art Factories project among other cases. Here are some of them.

Flexible partnership

The main strategy of Art Factories is to adapt their management and communication model to each particular space and partner. It makes this initiative unique because of the absence of standardisation as opposed to, for example, government administration.

Diversity in employment

Barcelona Art Factories use the inclusive model for professionals working for it. They collaborate with educational, social, business and academic networks to create new approaches in the culture sector. Moreover, Art Factories are open for young talents offering them space for professional growth.

As a result, renovated industrial spaces contribute to public discussion, encouraging citizens to participate in the city’s development and helping them with self-identification.

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