Along Zybickaja Street: How a useless street with squats turned into Minsk’s Broadway
Zybickaja Street became “the party heart of the city” so quickly that the residents of Minsk barely had the time to realise what had happened.
Back in the 2000s, the even numbers side of this street was a “poplar grove littered with construction rubbish and that brought by homeless”. The new Zybickaja began with the building of the Theological Academy and turned into Minsk’s bar mile. The controversial Broadway area of Minsk leads straight to Europe, and we suggest you take a walk there to see how the “alternative” Zybickaja looked like, how the head of the city influenced its development and what the “grandson of the Minister of Defence” was up to there.
Read more: http://citydog.by/post/vdol-po-zybickoj/
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