Festival of classic music Return brings talented Armenian musicians back home, said Mariam Shaginian, chairwoman of the cultural foundation “Art Gallery”, summing up outcomes of the festival conducted in Yerevan from 19 October to 7 November. Participants of the festival came from the UK, Belgium, France, Japan and Germany. The festival Returncalls for numerous musicians from Armenian diaspora to come back to Armenia, Shaginian said, adding that it also became an appeal to other musicians who collaborate with Armenian musicians abroad. The festival has been conducted under the patronage of Armenia’s First Lady Rita Sargsyan. Newsarmenia.am
Moscow hosted the Day of Armenian script. On 11 November, the Day of Arminian script was held in Moscow. This Day has a special meaning – explains head of the Union of Armenians in Russia Ara Abramian – stressing the role of Armenian alphabet rooted back to 5th century in preserving Armenian cultural heritage. The Day of Armenian script received the status of a citywide holiday and had been celebrated in Moscow since 2013. RIA Novosti
Minister of culture and tourism: Azerbaijan will widen cultural cooperation with Islamic states. In the framework of the 9th Islamic Educational and Cultural Organization (IESCO) ministerial conference, Abulfas Garayev, Azerbaijan’s minister of culture and tourism, a number of bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Egypt. The parties discussed widening of bilateral cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, and art as well as organization of the cultural events as a part of upcoming Baku Islamic Solidarity Games. The sides, moreover, exchanged their thoughts on possibility to create a unified structure for culture and tourism and to promote Islamic cultural values. Interfax-Azerbaijan
Minister of youth and sport: European Games have significantly increased interest to Azerbaijan. Sputnik.az quotes Azad Rahimov, Azerbaijan’s minister of youth and sport, saying that the recently conducted first European Games in Baku have significantly increased interest to the country in the world. The first European Games revealed our tolerance and cultural traditions, the minister noted, adding that this “historic event” demonstrated Azerbaijan’s potential as well as cultural and moral values. In the coming years, Azerbaijan will host international competitions including the Chess Olympiad, a stage of “Formula-1” and the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games, the minister added. Sputnik.az
22nd Minsk International Film Festival Listapad kicked off in Belarus. Official opening took place on 6 November under the patronage of Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko. The festival lasted until 13 November. Among foreign distinctive guests the festival were visited by Fanny Ardant, a famous French actress, and Vadim Abdrashitov, a Russian film director. The later was also awarded by special price of the President of Belarus “for preservation and development of spirituality traditions in cinema.” Belarus Segodnia
Belarus National Art Museum signed cooperation agreement with the Forbidden City of China. Belarus and Chinese biggest National Art Museums signed cooperation agreement for the next 5 years during the International conference dedicated to the 90thanniversary of the world’s largest museum complex – the Forbidden City – in Beijing. 33 directors of the world’s biggest museums have attended the conference, which resulted in the Declaration of the Forbidden City – an international document aimed at providing harmonious development of the museums. Sputnik.by
Deputy foreign minister represented Belarus at UNESCO General Conferecne-38thSession in Paris. On 5 November Elena Kupchyna, deputy foreign minister of Belarus took part in the UNESCO General Conference-38th Session in Paris. Speaking on Belarus priorities, Kupchyna underlined that Minsk sees the organisation as a source of ideas and a tool to promote intercultural dialogue and peace as well as to solve social and economic problems through education. On top of this, she discussed Belarus-UNESCO relations with Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, and met a number of France’s foreign ministry officials. Belarus Segodnia
Minister of culture opened Georgia’s programme at Dark Nights (PÖFF) film festival in Estonia. Mikheil Giorgadze, Georgia’s minister of culture and monument protection, paid two-day visit to Estonia where he, among others, opened Georgia’s programme at the film festival Dark Nights (PÖFF). Georgia’s film programme comprised 14 films released between 1929 and 2015. Following his meeting with Giorgadze, Indrek Saar, Estonia’s minister of culture, noted that Tallinn can share with Tbilisi its extensive experience in the field of restoration and revitalization of industrial architecture. Postimees
Georgia and Chine signed agreement on cultural cooperation for 2016-2019.Mikheil Giorgadze, Georgia’s minister of culture and monument protection, together with his China’s counterpart signed an agreement on cultural cooperation for 2016-2019. The agreement foresees creation of Chinese cultural center in Georgia and Georgian cultural center in China as well as organization of joint art festivals and exhibitions. The countries will also exchange their experience in the field of preserving cultural heritage and maintain direct relations between their cultural institutions. Gruzia.online
Moldova, including Transnistria, will receive EUR 3 million from the EU for improving social infrastructure. 20 communities on both banks of Dnister will receive EUR 3 million in order to implement projects aimed at improving social infrastructure. The initiatives have been proposed in the framework of the programme “Support for confidence-building measures,” financed by the EU and implemented by the UN Development Programme (UNDP). The funds will be spent to repair medical, educational, cultural and sport facilities. Besides, the idea aims at improving trust between people living on both banks by supporting joint activities in key areas of social sphere. Newsmaker
State Film Agency: Ukraine and Georgia will jointly film 16-serial detective. Utro.uaquotes Pylyp Illienko, Head of Ukraine’s State Film Agency, saying that Ukraine and Georgia will jointly film 16-serial detective. The serial will be then broadcasted by one of TV channel, the official added. Utro.ua
All directors of libraries, museums and theaters will be selected on competitive basis. Ukrainian Parliament adopted a draft law in the first hearing introducing contractual form of work in the field of culture and competitive procedure for appointing heads of state/municipal cultural institutions. According to the draft law, appointments of heads of state/municipal cultural institutions, theaters, libraries and museums will be conducted through signing a contract with respective persons for five years based on results of competitions. DT.ua
Ukraine will film new animated serial on legendary Cossacks. Media group 1+1,online cinema MEGOGO and animation studio Baraban start producing new animated project “Cossacks Football” – a new animated serial about legendary Cossacks. Three main characters will travel across Europe. Each of the series will be dedicated to their adventures in a new country. According to Olexander Tkachenko, director of 1+1 media group, animation industry in Ukraine is strong and promising but its further development requires substantial investments which the state is not yet ready to make. Animated serial will be able to broadcast in summer 2016 before the European Football Championship. Argumenty i Fakty
Rada preliminary adopted law establishing Book Institute. On 4 November, Ukrainian lawmakers preliminary adopted a draft law establishing Book Institute in Ukraine. The new institution will support publishing process, librarianship and translation of Ukrainian books for foreign audience. The new institute will be created under Ukraine’s ministry of culture. Gazeta.ua