Below we present a set of the most interesting opportunities for creative professionals

1. DAAD programme
The scholarship for creative professionals (in music, design, architecture, visual arts, cinematography, acting technique, direction, choreography) who have obtained specialist, master or bachelor diplomas no longer than 6 years ago. Applicants are given the opportunity to undergo training in one of higher schools in Germany. The scholarship amount is about 750 euro a month. More information may be found here: https://www.daad.de/de/

2. Countess Marion Dönhoff’s programme
This scholarship is for young journalists who have a perfect knowledge of German. It includes a two-month training course in a German mass media editorial office. The scholarship amount is 3,800 euro. More information may be found here: http://www.ijp.org/?12&L=4

3. Berlin State Museums programme
The programme supports projects relating to collections and activities of the Berlin State Museums research centres. This is an opportunity for young scientists and museum employees to spend 1 to 3 months in a research residence in the museum field. The scholarship amount is 900 to 1,200 euro. More information may be found here: http://www.smb.museum/en/research/scholarship-programmes/international-scholarship-programme.html

4. Falling Walls Foundation Programme
The scholarship for journalists and bloggers writing about science who have at least 3 years of experience in this field. Candidates have an opportunity to attend all events arranged by the Falling Walls Foundation in Germany, including its conference in Berlin. More information may be found here: http://falling-walls.com/fellowships/science-journalists

5. Fabrica programme
The Fabrica research centre and studio (Italy) welcomes creative professionals, e.g. architects, graphic designers, musicians, writers, directors, photographers, journalists, animators, etc. More information may be found here: http://www.fabrica.it/

6. Gaude Polonia programme
The scholarship for culture and arts specialists (artists, writers, Polish literature translators, musicians, filmmakers, art critics, museum employees), offers a six-month creative training course in cultural institutions of the Republic of Poland. More information may be found here: http://www.nck.pl/gaude-polonia/

7. International Visegrad Fund programme
This scholarship is for students and researchers from Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, and provides an opportunity to study or conduct research on any speciality in any of the higher schools in the Visegrad Group countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) for 5 to 20 months. More information may be found here: http://visegradfund.org/v4eap/scholarships-eap/

8. Finish Centre for International Mobility programme
The scholarship is for young scientists and researchers of all specialities. Candidates are offered to undergo training in the higher schools of Finland. The programme duration is 3 to 12 months. The monthly scholarship amount is 1,500 euro. More information may be found here: http://www.studyinfinland.fi/tuition_and_schola

9. “Estophilus” programme of the Estonian Institute
The scholarship for researchers interested in studying Estonian language and culture. The programme duration is 5 to 10 months to be spent in one of research institutions in Estonia. More information may be found here: http://www.estinst.ee/

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