EU encourages local mayors to join new Economic Growth initiative

Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) is a new initiative of the European Union that supports local authorities in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).

The M4EG initiative focuses on sustainable economic development and aims to support mayors and local governments in their cooperation with local business and civil society in order to strengthen local economic growth, development and job creation.

Interested municipalities can join the M4EG initiative and participate in a number of events, including a grant competition, training, study trips, exchanges of expertise and partnership-building activities, as well as receiving consultations and information support.

M4EG will assist local communities in the Eastern Partnership countries to become active participants in economic development and create jobs. It will do this by strengthening their technical skills and capacities to implement local economic strategies that are in line with good governance principles, in partnership with their business sectors.

Read more:

Press release

Mayors for Economic Growth

Call for Proposals “Mayors for Economic Growth Pioneer Projects”
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