ERTNAM: Your Partner To Improve Art Mamagement Courses And Urban Culture Policy Development
Dutch contribution to Art Education Management Program in Moscow: mission accomplished
With a lecture and workshop on Communication Strategies and Social Media, March 17, 2018, done by Rene Kooyman, member of the ERTNAM-team and UNITAR-expert, the international contribution to the Art Education Management Program of Dopcult in Moscow, came to its final phase. Rene Kooyman discussed with the participants the issues on corporate communication, PR, societal transformation, stakeholders analysis, international profiling, media mix and planning, Social Media and Branding.
At an earlier point in time team members Vera de Jong en dr. Johan Kolsteeg presented Dutch ideas on design thinking, strategic design, creative entrepreneurship and collaboration, and urban development. Prof. dr. Giep Hagoort, chairman of ERTNAM introduced the concepts of Cultural Business Modelling and cultural institutes as learning organizations.
The Netherlands Embassy in Moscow has shown a strong interest in this cultural Russian-Dutch cooperation and has supported the visits of the Dutch lecturers.
In the near future collaboration from ERTNAM will be focused on urban development, smart cities, creative hubs and the improvement of Russian art education management departments. This collaboration aims to contribute to a cultural dialogue between the cultural and creative professionals from the Russian Federation and Europe.
ERTNAM team member Gerardo Neugovsen is developing a Learning Network in Latin America
Gerardo Neugovsen, member of the ERTNAM-team and PhD student, is developing an online and offline Learning Network in Latin America through his organization Tikal Ideas Innovadoras, together with eight Spanish spoken knowledge institutes in Buenos Aires (Universidad Eseade - Argentina) and Mendoza (Fundación COPPLA Argentina), Medellín (Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes -Colombia), Panama-city (Universidad Tecnológica de Panama - Panama), Giadalajara (Universidad Católica de Guadalajara - Mexico), Tegucigalpa (Universidad UNITEC - Honduras), Guatemala (Universidad Popular - Guatemala), and Valencia (Universidad Miguel Hernández - Spain). The aim is to establish a half year Diploma in Management of the Creative Industries. The second course in Medelin has just started and more than 100 participants are being educated and trained. This particular course has been supported by the University Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes, the Government of the Province Antioquia and the Institute of Culture and Patrimony of Antioquia and Banasta Mediaciones, a consultancy firm.
Next June Buenos Aires and Mendoza get started and later this year also Panama and Guadalajara, México are expected to start.
The subject of Gerardo's PhD study is the study of entrepreneurial generic competencies of people leading micro, small and medium enterprises at the Creative industries. He hopesto finish his PhD study at the end of this year. His supervisor is prof. Eysel Chong, DBA from the Universidad del Istmo.
Contact: gerardo@economia-creativa.com
Cartesius Museum supports the creative development of smart cities
Each city wants to be a so-called smart city, a technological concept in the hands of big tech firms like Google, Facebook and Amazone. With the help of big data and the Internet of Things, cities can make their decisions more effective and facilities can be managed more efficient. That is the theory. In practice cities are struggling with privacy, with critical citizens, with a lack of knowledge to run a smart city. But one of the most challenging issues is that local authorities have no contacts with artists and designers to work together, and to use imagination to create a creative smart city to fulfill its human purpose. In the City of Utrecht, the Cartesius Museum – a collective of artists and creative entrepreneurs – supports the city to realize a more social and artistic mission to become a smart city. With expert meetings and an experimental festival on June 22/23 2018. ERTNAM members are actively involved in these events. See www.cartesiusmuseum.org
HOFTUINGROUP: a new Think Tank on Culture and Europe
Carla Delfos, founder and former Executive Director of ELIA, the European League of Institutes of the Arts, has formed a new Think Tank in cooperation with Pia van den Berg, former council member of the City of Amsterdam, Ben Hurkmans, former director of The National Performing Arts Fund and prof. Giep Hagoort, chairman of ERTNAM and professor em Art and Economics at Utrecht University/HKU. The focus of this new initiative is to strengthen the position of culture in the European Community. A first publication was presented on September 15, 2017 about the relationship between Europe, City and Culture from an art education perspective.
The foreword is delivered by Hedy d’Ancona, former Dutch Minister of Culture and former Member of the European Parliament.
This publication can be downloaded from the ELIA website www.elia-artschools.org. For more information about the Think Tank HOFTUINGROUP please contact Carla Delfos. www.carladelfos.com
A case on Robot Rights at the exhibition on Robotlove: Brothel owner versus Sexrobot
Can we learn from robots about love?In the technology NL-City of Eindhoven, an international exhibition on RobotLove will take place from September 15 until December 2, 2018. The exhibition with international artists will pay attention to the question if human beings can learn from robots to love each other. What does it mean to be human within the context of robotics and AI?
During a special Dutch court event, a legal liability case between a brothel owner and a sexrobot will be accomplished. Does a sexrobot have an own electronic legal position against her brothel owner? A real-time test case performance with a judge, two attorneys and a public jury. The case, initiated by prof. Giep Hagoort from the European Forum for Robot Rights, is oriented on the EU-report on legal electronic positions of smart robots (January 2017). See for more information about the exhibition: www.robotlove.nl.