Island at the British Pavilion in Venice
This elevated terrace will serve as a meeting place for visitors offering them a unique vantage point looking out across the Lagoon. The peak of the Pavilion’s roof protrudes up through the floor at the centre of the public place, suggesting both an island and a sunken world beneath. Below the terrace, the Pavilion opens its doors to visitors, but the building has no exhibits inside.
Throughout the Biennale, the British Pavilion is a platform for multiple events including poetry, performance, film and architectural talks and debates as a reflection of Freespace and ideas raised by Island.
In their statement, the curators Adam Caruso, Peter St John and Marcus Taylor said:
“There will be many ways to interpret the experience of visiting the 2018 British Pavilion. An island can be a place of both refuge and exile. The state of the building, which will be completely covered with scaffolding to support the new platform above, suggests many themes; including abandonment, reconstruction, sanctuary, Brexit, isolation, colonialism and climate change.”
Since 1937, The British Council has supported the British Pavilion in Venice, giving the UK’s artists, architects, designers and curators an opportunity to present their works to an international audience.
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