Call for proposals: opportunities for Romania and Republic of Moldova

The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Republic of Moldova is financed by the European Union for the period 2014-2020.

Through the programme there are two types of projects may be financed: hard and soft.

Hard projects – include an infrastructure component amounting to at least 1 million euro,

Soft projects - projects which do not include an infrastructure component or the infrastructure components are of less than € 1 million per project.

The funding covers such themes:

Promotion of the local culture and preservation of historical heritage

The size of grant for hard projects: maximum 1.500.000 euro, of which minimum 1.000.000 euro represents infrastructure component.

The size of grant for soft projects: 50.000-100.000 Euro.

Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and common networks and systems

The size of grant For hard projects: maximum 2.000.000 euro, of which minimum 1.000.000 euro represents infrastructure component.

The size of grant for soft projects: Euro 50.000-100.000.

Common challenges in the field of safety and security

The size of grant for hard projects: maximum 1.300.000 euro, of which minimum 1.000.000 euro represents infrastructure component.

The size of grant for soft projects: 50.000-300.000 Euro.

Support to education, research, technological development & innovation

The size of grant for soft projects: 50.000-400.000 Euro.

Conditions for submitting applications:

• Each organisation will be allowed to submit, as lead beneficiary, during a call for proposals, maximum 1 application for each priority. However, no limitation will be set for participating in projects as partners.

• Maximum 4 partners (including the project leader) may participate in a project.

• Applications shall be submitted online, by filling in an application form

To learn more about conditions and the priorities of the grants, please visit the website  

About the programme

The program addresses the border area between Romania and Republic of Moldova and will contribute to the overall objective of the European Neighbourhood Instrument: evolution towards a region of prosperity and good neighbourliness, achieved through Cross Border Cooperation actions to the benefit of neighbouring EU Member and Non-member States.

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