What Programme will achieve by 2018
Tim Williams, Team Leader, EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme
I would like to see more Eastern Partnership cultural actors networked with European partners. It would be great if cultural journalism was more intelligent, thought provoking and linking arts with the everyday lives of society. I would like government departments to understand that they all need to engage in culture – this includes ministries of education, finance, trade, youth, labour, and information.
Ragnar Siil, Cultural and Creative Sectors Specialist, EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme
I hope that we will witness more strategic approach for the governments and local municipalities in developing their cultural policies, better awareness of the role and impact that culture and creative industries can have, stronger civil society cultural leaders and more cross-border networking that will lead to more joint projects and successful funding applications by Creative Europe and other international programs.
Anastasiya Nurzhynska, Communication Specialist, EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme
I would like to see an increase in awareness on modern definition and role of culture in 6 countries. Journalists will write about culture also as part of economic or political sections. Cultural organisations will have better skills in communicating about their products and would invest resources in developing of new audiences.