Promotion of creative industries in the cyberspace of the Republic of Moldova

A country is promoted through what it creates, its uniqueness and its human potential. In Moldova, the industries are in constant development. One industry that recently emerged is the creative industry, thanks to which culture became a driver for regional and national development.

What is the creative industry?

The concept of "creative industry" encompasses areas which activity involves artistic and scientific creativity, such as architecture and urban regeneration, art and design, performing arts, film and video, photography, industrial inventiveness and artificial intelligence, mass- media (paper, audio or video), fashion and fashion design, traditional crafts, monuments and cultural tourism, music, advertising, software and interactive video games, printing and bookbinding, web design. 

In short, the creative industries targets everything that results from artistic and scientific creativity and has industrial potential, hence could be part of the economic circuit, creates values, generates public revenues through taxes, creates jobs and profits, helps regional and national development.

Promotion of creative industries

Being a relatively new industry on the Moldovan market, the creative industry needs to be promoted in order to evolve in a faster way and reach progress. Thus, mass-media places the information in the informational circuits, raising awareness among the masses about the new trends. In the case of creative industries, mass-media can and should be a promoter thereof.

At the national level, we still do not have a large number of news portals specialized in culture or focusing on these cultural industries. However, portals such as and promote the industries developed through art. The first one, is a web-site for urban culture, and the second – has been designed for young people.

The article was drawn up in cooperation with the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity

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