SAVE THE DATE: ICLM International Conference “Literature, Music and Cultural heritage”
The following themes are on the agenda:
How literature and music influence the young generations and the role of literary and composers’ museums in this process;
How literature and music bring harmony to our society in a broad cultural heritage context, and the role of literary and composers’ museums in this process;
How literature and music protect our society from violence, and the tasks of literary and composers’ museums in this message;
How literature and music meet in creation of world masterpieces, and the role of literary and composers’ museums in its connection;
How literature and music develop creative abilities of different categories of population, and the experience accumulated by literary and composers’ museums in this field.
Besides that, there will be a round table discussion on the following issues:
A definition of a literary museum today;
What are the tasks of a literary museum today?
How is its evolution being influenced by modern world context?