There are two kinds of results produced by the activities of cultural observatories: outcomes of regular observations, on the one hand, and products of the realisation of specific projects. Major observatories publish a considerable volume of publications, books, collected articles and journals. The content includes a wide range of materials, such as scientific reports, methodological and political manuals, statistics presentations, conference records, and much more. Publications can be ordered online in printed or electronic form, at full price or at a discount. Some publications are open access, while other are sold in thousands of copies.
Observatories of a smaller scale consider book publishing the main outcome of their scientific and research activities. There are also observatories offering advanced web portals receiving a large number of visitors. In fact, the activities of observatories and those of cultural web portals are often converge.
At times, the activities of observatory result in complex reports that include figures and analysis of the cultural life and policies on a given territory, thus illustrating the importance of the work of cultural observatories.
All these results are essential for many people. Cultural observatories name the following as their principal clients:
- policy-makers on all levels;
- culture officials on international and local levels;
- culture managers and their intermediaries;
- universities: professors, students, researchers, librarians;
- the community and journalists who communicate information to the broad audience.
Cultural observatories have also identified that their websites are often visited by school students. Thus, it can be said that the activity of cultural observatories is of great value to education as well.
See also:
What do cultural observatories do?