Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski Literary Prize was founded in 2007 by the Polish Institute in Kyiv and is awarded once in two years. The prize will be awarded for the fifth time in 2015.
The prize is awarded to a Ukrainian author less than 40 years of age regardless of their place of residence for:
consistency in realization of the creative development;
innovative form;
breaking of stereotypes;
universality of message.
The laureate of the 2015 Prize will receive:
a laureate certificate and 3,000 Euro award from the Polish Institute in Kyiv,
6 month scholarship in Poland as part of the scholarship programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of Poland “GAUDE POLONIA” from the Prize partner – Polish National Centre for Culture (Warsaw).
Candidates for the Prize may be suggested by Ukrainian and foreign cultural institutions, scientific centres, publishing houses, artistic associations, and private persons by filling a simple application form from 1 September to 11 November 2015.
Each institution or individual can suggest only one candidate. One cannot suggest herself or himself.
The laureate and the finalists will be determined and announced by a Polish and Ukrainian jury in the first part of December 2015 in Kyiv.
Details at: http://polinst.kiev.ua/event1023.html