Tell us a story about your success

The Programme is looking for successful projects, best practices and new solutions for the development of the cultural and creative sectors.

Perhaps you need partners to implement an idea or maybe you have conducted a study or published a manual that may be useful for other organisations. We are looking for stories about projects in cultural and creative sectors.

Write to us to and share your experience with over 100,000 readers in Eastern Partnership countries and the EU. 

  • Your story may include a description of the problem that you were facing, the solution that you found, and 5-10 key steps/tips/lessons that you would like to share; 
  • Number of words: 1,500-2,000 (2-3 pages);
  • Your photo and other images to illustrate your story; 
  • A brief text about you and your organisation; 
  • Links that will help to pursue the subject further.

Looking for your stories during all period of Programme activity. 

Other interesting stories: