The Power of Outdoor Arts

How to make the arts more accessible to a broader audience? Many cultural activists try to find the answer and The Audience Agency thinks that it has come close to it. It believes that outdoor events have the potential to break the barriers between art and people who weren't into it previously.

A study finds that arts on the street attract different groups, which represent the population as a whole. Sceptics may say that outdoor performances are popular because most of them are free. But after thirty thousand surveys, researchers concluded that this answer is too simple. People love art on the street because it offers them a special social experience. It does not impose a strict time and place, so the audience can move and interact with artists in the way they want to.

Finally, the most impressive finding is that 97% of people described their experience of outdoor arts as “good” and “very good”. So this is a representative case for other non-engaging art practices to make an audience feel free and confident.

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