The new study is dedicated to investigating the capabilities of data collection and analysis in cultural and creative industries in EU countries. Part of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the type of data that cultural observatories collect as well as their modus operandi regarding the obtained data.
As part of the research, seven cultural observatories were examined: the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), the European Group on Museum Statistics (EGMUS), the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe (Compendium), ENUMERATE, the Regional Observatory on Financing Culture in East-Central Europe (Budapest Observatory), the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), and Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ).
The research defines cultural observatories as culture-specific bodies that regularly collect data on the cultural sector, either in a permanent or temporary form, with a view to support cultural policy-making and research.
The KEA study aimed to improve the collection, analysis and delivery of statistical data on the cultural and creative sector to support evidence-based policymaking. In this context, cultural observatories play the role of “information brokers” in the transfer of knowledge from researchers to cultural policymakers, and help formulate a more effective cultural policy.
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