Fourth brief of the EaP Cultural Observatory

Findings from the Cultural Climate Barometer 2018.

In Brief Nr.3 authors gathered comprehensive information about the situation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine within the context of European Year of Cultural Heritage. They have compared local items from the world heritage and intengible heritage lists and highlighted engagement of the 6 countries in the European initiatives for cultural heritage preservation. 

In the fourth Observatory brief the experts completed the first steps towards assesment of the cultural climate in the region which includes: 

  • data from 184 responses collected via survey in the six EaP countries;
  • comparison of the most problematic and most positive factors for cultural development in western and eastern European countries;
  • differences in the assesments of cultural climate done by cultural operators in the region.

Key findings from the brief:

  • Experts from the six countries are responsible practically in the same proportion for the surprising dominant place of satisfaction with sponsorship for culture and the incentives behind.

  • In Azerbaijan commercial forces play limited role but culture’s impact on the economy is appreciated.

  • Relative divergence from the original proportions in two cases reflects Belarusian realities: market forces and political power play inverted roles than in the other countries

  • The social function of culture is best emphasised by Ukrainian participants – whereas in Azerbaijan, Belarus and Moldova no-one boasted about cultural democratization

Read the fourth brief (full version)

<Brief NR.3

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