- The Course on Creating Value in Creative Economy
- The Cultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy Introduction Course
- The Creative Europe Course
The Crossovers & Fundraising Course
Lecture 1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Vectors for Successful Fundraising
Lecture 2. Business Models and External Financing for Creative Startups
Lecture 3. Crossovers: A Catalyst for Effective Business Planning
Links to online resources and resources for further reading
Fact sheet
Case studies
Test and certificate
An Introduction to Cultural Journalism Online Course
Lecture 1: What Is Cultural Journalism? (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 2: What is Criticism? (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 3: How to Interview Cultural Figures (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 4: Conclusion - Building an Audience for Culture (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Test and certificate
- Investor Pitching Course for Creative Businesses
- The Digital Communication Course
- Project Management in Culture Course
- The Culture & Creativity Course
The Communication Course
Lecture 1. The Basic Principles of Strategic Communication
Lecture 2. The Stages of Strategic Communication
Lecture 3. The Basic Principles of Strategic Communication
Lecture 4. The Basic Elements of Strategic Communication: Audience, Messages, Channels, Speakers and Time
Lecture 5. Media communications: tips for success
Additional resources
Test and certificate
- The Proposal Writing Course
- The Cultural Strategy Course
The Advocacy Сourse
Lecture 1. What is advocacy and how can it help?
Lecture 2. Issue analysis and identification
Lecture 3. Mapping the external environment
Lecture 4. Lobbying, influencing and getting your voice heard
Lecture 5. Advocacy campaign evaluation
Fact sheet on advocacy and lobbying
Advocacy Capacity Assessment
Case Study
Additional Reading Resources
Test and certificate
- The Finance and Project Budget Course
- The Donor Fundraising Strategy Course
- The Media Pitching Course
- The Strategic Planning Course
The Marketing Course
Lecture 1. What is ‘Marketing’?
Lecture 2. Marketing Strategy
Lecture 3. Listening to Customers
Lecture 4. Customer Benefits
Lecture 5. The 3Ms of Marketing
Fact Sheet. 20 Key Facts relating to Marketing
Checklist to ensure efficient marketing strategy
Case Study. The 3Ms of Marketing.
Test and certificate

Culture preserves and transmits knowledge
Knowledge about the society of southern England in the first half of the nineteenth century – from what dances where popular to the established daily schedule–can be acquired as much from history books as from the novels of Jane Austen. As for the details of daily life in London at the turn of the century, it is worth looking for them in the Sherlock Holmes book series.
Culture creates values and symbols
Even a beard can become a value and a symbol, or a lack of thereof. For instance, in 1705 Peter the Great, who had set himself the goal of modernizing Russia in step with Europe, introduced a tax on men who wore beards and moustaches. In contrast, in 1999, some three hundred years later, the first Movember charity event was held. It involved men growing moustaches and beards throughout the month of November to raise awareness about prostate cancer and raise funds for the charity foundation. In both cases, symbols influenced the ensuing development of culture.
Culture cultivates
Participation in culture and the potential for creation are important for the “Universal Man” of the Renaissance. One of the most prominent examples is Leonardo da Vinci who combined scientific and writing activities with artistic output.
Culture strengthens social relations
The “Kraina Mriy” festival gathers around 40 thousand visitors every year. By familiarising people with the traditional forms of Ukrainian culture, from music to pottery, the festival promotes the formation of a common national identity.
Culture creates new needs
The culture of saving energy and the intelligent use of natural resources creates needs such as the creation of infrastructures for sorting and recycling different types of waste, the installation of solar panels in homes and access to affordable electric cars. For example, in 2017 the company Tesla Motors will offer buyers an electric car at $35,000 while it used to cost as much as $100,000.
Culture contributes to economy
The turnover of cultural and creative industries is $1.3 trillion, and its rate of growth outpaces the production and services sectors. Cultural tourism accounts for roughly 40 per cent of the world tourism sector revenue and, in the last decade, has demonstrated its ability to maintain steady growth. Worldwide culture is becoming an ever more important source of employment and revenue. More facts at: https://culturepartnership.eu/en/page/culture-matters
Culture helps cities
In 1997, the Guggenheim museum was opened in Bilbao, Spain. The originality of the design has turned the place into a standout landmark that has breathed new life into this provincial city. In the first three years of the museum's activity, tourists visiting Bilbao spent more than €100 million ($110 million) in regional tax. Such influence of architecture on a city's economy is now dubbed the “Bilbao Effect”.