Lecture 1. Eligibility criteria
Hello! My name is Egle Deltuvaite. I’m head of Creative Europe Desk in Lithuania. In this course we will speak about how to prepare a successful project for Creative Europe Programme.


on example of cooperation projects

Talking about eligibility criteria we can divide them into the five main groups: 

1. Firstly, applications must come from ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES. Despite the fact that Creative Europe is the programme of European Union, the list of participating countries in Culture subprogramme consists of not only member states.

We also have Iceland and Norway together with acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates. (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey).

Last, but not least, countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy, are also welcome to take part. Today memorandums with EU are signed by Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

So, in total there are 39 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES, not excluding the possibility of other countries to be associated partners. 


The project leader and the partners must be active in the cultural and creative sectors and exist as a legal person for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline for submission and to be registered at the participant portal.

Individuals may not apply for a grant. 


Depending on the scale, needs, nature, objectives and priorities of the project, the applicants will have to choose to apply under either category 1 - Smaller scale cooperation projects or under category 2 - Larger scale cooperation projects.

Smaller scale projects must involve a project leader and at least two other partners having their legal seat in at least three different countries taking part in the Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme. Small scale projects must request an EU grant of no more than EUR 200 000 representing maximum 60% of the eligible budget.

Larger scale projects must involve a project leader and at least five other partners having their legal seat in at least six different countries taking part in the Culture Sub-programme.

EU grant can be no more than EUR 2 000 000 representing maximum 50% of the eligible budget.

In both cases, either the project leader or one of the partners must have its legal seat in EU or EEA country; 


Proposed activities must intend to achieve the objectives and priorities set in the programme and the strand. Programme seeks to support cooperation projects mainly working on transnational mobility, audience development and capacity building (notably digitisation, new business models and education and training).

Activities dedicated exclusively to the audiovisual sectors are not eligible under the Culture Sub-programme. 


Activities must start between June and December for large scale project and between May and December for smaller scale cooperation projects.

The maximum duration of a project is 48 months.

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