Lecture 3. 10 steps to reach your audience in social media

Step 1. Follow a strategy

This digital strategy has provided you with the information you need to reach your audience and appropriate targets e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin, Twitter etc.

You also need to think about your resourсes both staffing and financial. Working on social media can be a full time job. In big organisations digital departments have dozens of staff.  If you have a shortage of staff or funding you can think about other creative ways to handle your digital accounts (for example, interns that can follow some templates).    

Step 2. Make a plan

The next step is to develop weekly plans. Below this video you can find an example of the weekly plan. Each day you can make 3-4 posts pushing your main messages. The general rule is that each post should be brief and contain a picture/video. You first must decide if you can use existing content, create content based on existing content or produce new content,  and how you should proceed with that.  You also must figure where to get the pictures from.

Step 3. Apply the 75/25 rule

For every message about your organisation (news, calls for action), share 3 messages about something relevant to your audience (fun or practical information). Here are examples of the most popular types of posts: lists (Five most popular ...), recommendations (How to…), comparison, intrigue, mistakes, everything you need to know about …, record numbers, socially important issues, celebrities, news, education. 

Step 4. Keep the content relevant

Don’t try to address everyone with everything. Tailor your content to each target audience. News about your organisation achievements would be relevant for partners or your new programme for children would be relevant to families. 

Step 5. Interact with your community

Answer comments, ask questions, conduct opinion polls and hold competitions. The key principle is to be sociable. 

Don’t just disseminate the information but engage your followers in dialogue. Information is going out, communication is going through. Understand your audience needs and focus on service making their lives easier. Be responsive. At the same time develop a procedure on how to react to negative comments. One tactic is to take the conversation offline if it becomes too emotional.

Step 6. “This day” rule

People like traditions. Make your audience expect your posts. For example on Monday you can post job opportunities and on Friday some eye caching pictures.

Step 7. Use special days to promote your topics

Include holidays or special days and link their relevance to your topic (e.g. World Museum Day). 

Step 8. Involve partners, opinion leaders and staff in social media

To increase audience you need the support of other bloggers or organisations. Make a list of possible partners and opinion leaders and think how you can be useful to each other. 

Accounts of real people are more trusted and followed than brand accounts because people prefer to communicate with other people so encourage your staff to promote your organisation. 

Step 9. Combine online & real activities

Online tools are only part of your communication efforts. The personal contacts or public events can help you to better reach and increase your audience. Establish a network or club where you can meet your fans from Facebook or other social media. Try to create some added useful training or activity to provide an exclusive benefit. 

Step 10. Use people’s actual stories

People are attracted to other people lives. Tell them stories  rather than report about events, and avoid any kind of technical language or abbreviations. 

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