- The Proposal Writing Course
- The Cultural Strategy Course
The Advocacy Сourse
Lecture 1. What is advocacy and how can it help?
Lecture 2. Issue analysis and identification
Lecture 3. Mapping the external environment
Lecture 4. Lobbying, influencing and getting your voice heard
Lecture 5. Advocacy campaign evaluation
Fact sheet on advocacy and lobbying
Advocacy Capacity Assessment
Case Study
Additional Reading Resources
Test and certificate
- The Finance and Project Budget Course
- The Donor Fundraising Strategy Course
- The Media Pitching Course
- The Strategic Planning Course
The Marketing Course
Lecture 1. What is ‘Marketing’?
Lecture 2. Marketing Strategy
Lecture 3. Listening to Customers
Lecture 4. Customer Benefits
Lecture 5. The 3Ms of Marketing
Fact Sheet. 20 Key Facts relating to Marketing
Checklist to ensure efficient marketing strategy
Case Study. The 3Ms of Marketing.
Test and certificate
- The Course on Creating Value in Creative Economy
- The Cultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy Introduction Course
- The Creative Europe Course
The Crossovers & Fundraising Course
Lecture 1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Vectors for Successful Fundraising
Lecture 2. Business Models and External Financing for Creative Startups
Lecture 3. Crossovers: A Catalyst for Effective Business Planning
Links to online resources and resources for further reading
Fact sheet
Case studies
Test and certificate
An Introduction to Cultural Journalism Online Course
Lecture 1: What Is Cultural Journalism? (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 2: What is Criticism? (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 3: How to Interview Cultural Figures (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Lecture 4: Conclusion - Building an Audience for Culture (An Introduction to Cultural Journalism. Online course by Dr Maya Jaggi)
Test and certificate
- Investor Pitching Course for Creative Businesses
- The Digital Communication Course
- Project Management in Culture Course
- The Culture & Creativity Course
The Communication Course
Lecture 1. The Basic Principles of Strategic Communication
Lecture 2. The Stages of Strategic Communication
Lecture 3. The Basic Principles of Strategic Communication
Lecture 4. The Basic Elements of Strategic Communication: Audience, Messages, Channels, Speakers and Time
Lecture 5. Media communications: tips for success
Additional resources
Test and certificate
What should you know about media?
For successful media relations it is important to understand the reason for media existence in general. Key function of the journalism apart from еo inform and to educate іs also a certain social criticism, which means the reaction to present social agenda.
Apart from understanding the functions of media, it is important to be in the loop with the current modern media trends. Here are some of them:
- Traditional segment-based model of journalism is undergoing major transformations, influenced by Internet and social media, as well as general changes. The bottom line is “Media are changing”
- Storytelling. People are always interested in stories. Journalists by means of stories can raise the most complicated subjects and by giving them human face incite audiences’ interest in them.
- Tone of voice. Journalism is moving from deep niche orientation and specialised topic-oriented texts to mixed-genre and lifestyle format. It talks more about the subject through the lens of a wider social agenda.
- Rapid development of advertorial direction. Native advertising, content projects, special join projects of media and brands. These and other formats have been gaining more and more popularity in the recent years.
- Continued digitalization process. Online brought along many changes into journalism: these are changes in the structure of content consumption, its patterns and delivery method.
What do media need?
- First and foremost, it is exclusiveness. If a subject is important then different media will cover it. And of course everybody will try to be the first to do it, better than others and ideally to be the only one to do it.
- Experts. Access to professionals who know the subject extremely well is always priceless.
How to choose the media?
Start with identifying your target audience. Who are these people? What media do they read, watch or follow?
If your time or financial resources are limited, it would be more efficient to focus on a limited media field than try and cover uncoverable.
For example, you have a small social project and your communication budget is limited. However strong your desire to get your story on national channels would be, perhaps it would be more efficient to go with a several online media or a local radio station. The bottom line is: go where your audience is!
Do prepare a media map to see which media operators will be in the area or your interest. Divide them into groups and types. This way it will be easier for you to work.
How to work with different media?
Firstly, do consider the specifics. If it is online media – then swiftness is very important. If it is a business journal – then you might need to have an updated current data on the market. And so on.
Secondly, Get in contact with them. Personally.
Never do those dead mailing lists. Direct your efforts in a correct way and personally, having compiled a target media list add to it the list of journalists and editors who are in charge of your subject in their media. Try to personally contact them. It could be a contact at a working meeting or an invitation for a cup of coffee. To get acquainted – this is the most important.
Thirdly, identify the needs.
Don’t rush in offering your subject right away to the media. First, learn what materials this media works with. Think what you can be helpful with: this could be offering them some statistics, current data or access to experts.
Fourthly, it is important to understand the media’s standards: this is about the format and deadlines when a journalist needs information from you and other specifics. For example, with international media, like BBC, there are quite strict specific standards of working with media. Also, be ready to get a rejection if you want your brand to be mentioned by media if it does not go in line with its rules. Clarify with a journalist what information and in what format he/she needs from you.
Before offering media your subject for the future material, check the following with yourself:
- Why is it important?
- Why is it needed to be written or shot exactly now?
- Why do the audience of this very media needs to read or watch this?